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Program Book 

​We are looking forward to our 2025 season and hope you will support us by placing an advertisement in our annual Program Book! This year we will be starting fresh with new ad submissions, if you have submitted an ad in the past we ask that you submit a new ad file for us to use. 


The Program Book is circulated throughout Greater Springfield and surrounding towns and is a great source of advertising. It will be distributed at the Coronation Ball & Awards Presentation on Saturday, February 8, 2025, at the Cedars in Springfield.


As a sponsor, you can either place an ad with your logo/artwork or send “Good Luck Wishes” to the Award Winners and Colleen Contestants. We also accept Irish poems, toasts, recipes, photos, and any information you wish to include in the ad.

Pricing for the Ads is as follows: 

Full Page (4X8) - $145.00 

Half Page (4X4) - $70.00 

Quarter Page (4X2) - $45.00 


Payment is available through Venmo or via check. However, we will need the check secured before our deadline date in order to proceed with printing your ad. 


You have the option to submit a fully designed ad, or if you would like the Program Book Chairperson to create one for you, please send an email with assets/language to with "Program Book" in the subject line.


The deadline to submit an ad is Saturday, January 25th, 2025. 


Please feel free to email the Program Book Chairperson ( with any questions or additional information.


Your support would be greatly appreciated! 

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